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Bamako military school targeted in dawn attack

By Ezekiel David

Armed attackers described as “terrorists” by the Malian army carried out a coordinated assault on several Bamako sites on Tuesday morning, including a gendarmerie school close to the airport.

Residents reported hearing gunfire as the attackers attempted to infiltrate the Faladie gendarmerie school, one of several “sensitive points” targeted in the early morning assault.

The Malian army quickly responded, declaring the situation “under control.” While no official casualty figures have been released, two security force members reportedly sustained injuries.

Residents were assured that the situation was under control by the security ministry, which encouraged them to carry on with their regular activities. International organisations, such as the UN, recommended their employees restrict their travel.

Videos circulating on social media showed plumes of smoke rising from the targeted areas.

Witnesses stated that the continuous shooting prompted those who were on their way to morning prayers to turn around. In reaction to the attack, Modibo Keita International Airport was briefly closed.

The incident follows a 2021 coup in which the military seized power, citing the government’s inadequate response to the long-standing Islamist insurgency plaguing Mali and several other West African nations. The perpetrators of Tuesday’s attack remain unidentified.

(Source: BBC)

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