WATCH THE VIDEO HERE BenQ India has launched the latest addition to its gaming monitor lineup – the XL2546X under the ZOWIE XL-X series. It boasts a Fast-TN panel and exclusive DyAc 2 technology for smoother motion and precise FPS gaming. With a 24.5″ TN Panel and FHD 1920 x 1080 resolution at 240Hz display, along with 320 nits brightness, the XL2546X ensures clear visuals and responsive gameplay. Featuring a new ergonomic design with height-adjustable features, the XL2546X allows gamers to find their ideal setup quickly and easily, ensuring focus and comfort during gameplay. Utilizing Fast-TN panel technology, the XL2546X delivers faster response times compared to IPS panels, enhancing clarity for moving objects. It also minimizes overshoot, common in conventional panels, for a smoother gaming experience. The DyAc 2 technology further enhances motion clarity and reduces ghosting, utilizing dual backlights with precise control. This minimizes motion blur while being gentle on the eyes. The XL2546X includes Auto Game Mode via XL Setting to Share software, automatically adjusting color modes for optimal gaming experiences. The monitor also supports Black eQualizer, Color Vibrance, S Switch, and Shielding Hood features. The BenQ ZOWIE XL2546X is now available at a special launch price of Rs. 42,990, and can be purchased from and other leading gaming stores, starting today. Speaking about the launch, Rajeev Singh, Managing Director, BenQ India and South Asia said, At BenQ, our commitment lies in crafting professional-grade gaming monitors that empower esports athletes to excel in their gameplay. The XL2546X blends cutting-edge technology with ergonomic design elements, providing esports enthusiasts with an unmatched gaming experience. We are confident that the new XL-X series from Zowie will redefine the standards for competitive gaming in the esports arena.Quick specifications: BenQ ZOWIE XL2546X Gaming Monitor
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