WATCH THE VIDEO HERE In February, Samsung obtained a regulatory certification for the Galaxy Tab S10+’s battery from India’s BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards). The agency certified the battery with model numbers EB-BX828ABE and EB-BX828ABY. The company has also received a similar certification from Safety Korea, which has published a live photo of the battery. Unlike smartphones, Samsung doesn’t launch new flagship Android tablets every 12 months. It launched the Galaxy Tab S7 series in August 2020 and followed up with the Galaxy Tab S8 in February 2022. That’s an 18-month gap between the two lineups. The Galaxy Tab S9 series also arrived 17-18 months later, alongside the fifth-gen foldables in July 2023. As per this cycle, the Galaxy Tab S10 should debut alongside the Galaxy S25 series early next year. However, there are rumors that Samsung will unveil the new tablets early. While we don’t yet have a concrete timeline, the company might be planning to launch them during its Galaxy Unpacked event in July 2024 where it will unveil the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6. Amid the rumors, Samsung is collecting regulatory approval for the new tablets. This is the second battery certification for the Galaxy Tab S10+, which bears the model number SM-X828. It indicates the device will arrive in a few months. Unfortunately, we don’t have details about the battery capacity and charging speed. The photo published by Safety Korea is too blurry to give us any information. If the Galaxy Tab S10 series does arrive alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6, we should soon start seeing more leaks and rumors about them. Foldables expectedly get more attention from the public, so there are already a handful of leaks about them. But the rumor mill shouldn’t take much longer to give us more information about the new flagship tablets. If recent rumors turn out to be accurate, Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Unpacked event will be massive. While foldables will be the stars of the show, the event may bring several other products. Aside from new flagship tablets, we also expect the company to launch an affordable foldable, Galaxy Watch 7 series, Galaxy Buds 3, and the Galaxy Ring. The latter was formally announced at MWC 2024 last month but specs, price, and availability details are missing. Stay tuned so you don’t miss out on all the latest information about these Samsung products.Galaxy Tab S10+’s battery seen in live photo
The upcoming Samsung event could be a massive one