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Funky Dineva Threatens to Slap Tasha K & Her Husband

MTO Square

Things between Tasha K and fellow blogger Funky Dineva are continuing to decline, with the latter threatening to put hands on not only the controversial media personality but her husband too.

In the rant, Dineva says they’ve had enough of Tasha K’s antics and that when he sees her, it’s on sight.

Dineva says that he actually likes Tasha K’s husband but that Tasha, whom he referred to as a “raggedy b–ch,” runs up to him in public trying to be his friend, but that she is the opposite online.

Fans called Funky Dineva out over his threats of violence.

“This is a grown ass, man, threatening a woman, if that’s the case, let her husband know you and him have a problem, but you threatening a woman is insane,” one viewer wrote.

Another wrote, “Tasha discuss everybody though… I still don’t see why he’s mad. She mentions everybody. He ain’t special.”

Tasha K did not respond to the live stream but posted the video to her own Instagram page. Watch the clip above.

Tags ·Funky Dineva·Tasha k

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