A young lady of twenty-two years asked Simi for relationship advise, regarding a thirty-year-old man she’s currently dating, and happens to have a kid also.
In response to the lady’s inquisition on how to tell her parents about her ongoing relationship, Simi wrote;
”Depends on what both of you want out of the relationship. If you’re talking about your parents, thennyou likely want to take this seriously.
So if this is serious, a child (especially someone else’s) is a big deal. If it seems like it’s not, it should be. Because 1. it shows how involved he is in his child’s life.
2. It shows how detached or attached you
are from the fact that he’s a dad. If you’re only doing this only because you “love him
so much”, don’t.
If it’s more than that, for the both of you, then trust that your parents will understand and support you or do it without their support.
Whatever you choose, you have to live with. He’s seen more life than you. So make sure you’re sure outside of him.”

Simi’s thought process on the you g lady’s inquisition opened an extended discourse on social media, with netizens giving their own input, and here are some;