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How Tunde Onakoya’s Actions Shines Light On Celebrities’ Power In Promoting Social Good

Chess in Slums Africa 2

Nigerians rejoice as Tunde Onakoya breaks a global chess record with a 60-hour marathon game.

In an interview with Naijaonpoint, the CEO of Marvel Interiors, Agwi Marvellous, highlighted the significance of celebrities utilizing their platforms for social good, echoing Tunde’s efforts in advocating for child education and raising funds for underprivileged children.

Tunde’s recent chess record-breaking feat demonstrates young Nigerians’ immense potential and highlights their talent, determination, and capability on the global stage.

Moreover, Marvellous emphasizes the necessity for celebrities to leverage their influence for social good, stating that their involvement can raise awareness, mobilize resources, and inspire positive change.

Regarding the qualities crucial for success in chess and life, Marvellous points out the significance of persistence, strategic thinking, resilience, discipline, adaptability, emotional intelligence, and continuous learning.

Additionally, she discusses addressing the issue of Naira abuse through comprehensive financial literacy programs and public awareness campaigns.

Concerns are raised about the fairness of legal sentencing, rising electricity tariffs affecting businesses and citizens, and the government’s role in supporting alternative energy sources amidst increasing costs.

Tunde Onakoya’s recent chess record-breaking feat is a huge accomplishment for Nigeria. What does this achievement say about the potential of young Nigerians?

Tunde’s recent chess record-breaking feat is a big win for the country as a whole and highlights young Nigerians’ immense potential. 

“It showcases our talent, determination, and capability to excel on the global stage.” 

Onakoya’s marathon chess game was partly a fundraiser for underprivileged children. How important is it for celebrities and public figures to use their platforms for social good?

It’s crucial for celebrities and public figures to utilize their platforms for social good. Their influence can raise awareness, mobilize resources, and inspire positive change. 

“By supporting causes like fundraising for underprivileged children, they can make a meaningful impact and contribute to addressing societal challenges. 

“Their involvement can also encourage others to get involved and amplify the reach and impact of charitable initiatives.

Tunde Onakoya’s chess achievement took incredible mental focus and stamina. What qualities do you think are most important for success, not just in chess, but in life?

In addition to mental focus and stamina, qualities like persistence, strategic thinking, resilience, discipline, adaptability, emotional intelligence, and continuous learning are crucial for success in both chess and life. 

“These traits enable individuals to navigate challenges, pursue goals, and thrive in various situations.”

There’s been a lot of public debate recently about Naira abuse and its consequences. In your opinion, how can we better educate Nigerians about respecting the currency?

In my opinion, to improve awareness about respecting the naira, we should focus on implementing comprehensive financial literacy programs in schools and communities. 

“Additionally, public awareness campaigns through various media channels can highlight the negative impact of currency abuse. 

Bobrisky was recently sentenced to 6 months in jail for Naira abuse. Do you think the punishment was fair, considering Cubana High Priest received bail for similar charges?

Well, I would say that a fair argument could be made that the decision regarding Bobrisky’s sentencing wasn’t fair. 

“If Cubana Chief Priest, who faced similar charges, was able to secure bail despite pleading not guilty, while Bobrisky received jail time after pleading guilty, it suggests unequal treatment under the law.

“Fairness in the legal system entails consistent application of laws and penalties regardless of personal characteristics or circumstances.” 

Nigeria is facing rising electricity tariffs. How do you think this will affect businesses and everyday citizens?

Rising electricity tariffs in Nigeria will likely increase business operational costs, reducing profitability and potential job losses.

“For everyday citizens, higher utility bills will strain household budgets and lead to financial stress.

“For instance, the unit we purchase for our household used to last for 7 days, but now it only lasts for a maximum of 3 days. This is quite concerning.”

With rising electricity costs, do you think the government should be doing more to support alternative energy sources in Nigeria?

The government should prioritize supporting alternative energy sources in Nigeria amidst rising electricity costs. 

“Investing in renewables like solar can diversify the energy mix, reduce dependence on costly fossil fuels, and stimulate economic growth. 

“This transition can enhance energy security, affordability, and sustainability while fostering economic development and environmental protection.”

Considering the recent trends, what do you think are the biggest challenges and opportunities facing Nigeria today?

Some of Nigeria’s biggest challenges include security issues, economic diversification, corruption, infrastructure development, and youth unemployment. 

“However, opportunities lie in leveraging the country’s human capital, natural resources, technology and innovation, regional leadership, and diaspora engagement for sustainable development and prosperity.”

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