Both the director and star took to social media to express their disappointment over leaving their take on “The Crow” behind. Corin Hardy posted about it on Instagram, dubbing it “the hardest decision of all,” accompanied by an incredible image of himself along with Jason Momoa in his Crow makeup. Momoa was also unhappy about having to turn his back on a project that he still had hopes he’d return to. Taking to Instagram, the star said, “I’ve waited 8 years to play this dream role. I love you, @corinhardy and @sonypictures. unfortunately, I may have to wait 8 more.” It was obviously a dream gig for the star, and fans were upset to see it end as well. This sentiment was shared repeatedly in reactions to his post, to which he responded by saying, “Sorry. I can’t play anything but what this film deserves, and it needs love. I’m ready when it’s right.” Unfortunately, that time never came, and the iconic role has now fallen on Bill Skarsgård’s shoulders. Regardless of the reception that the new adaptation’s trailer has received thus far, the newly appointed Crow may still be able to deliver something to the role that Momoa might not have. For now, all we can do is wonder what could’ve been had “The Crow” flown in a different direction.