Female rapper Latto performed in Saudi Arabia this week, at their annual Sandstorm concert. But Media Take Out learned that she was given strict instructions by government officials – DO NOT TW*RK.
Saudi Arabia has very strict decency laws. And failure to comply could lead to imprisonment, or worse – possible d**th. So you know Latto wasn’t going to break their rules.
In Saudi, men and women are required to dress modestly in public, covering their shoulders and knees. Tight-fitting clothes or clothing with profane language or images are not permitted. Women sare no longer mandated to wearing headscarves or burkas.
But an outfit like the one she recently worse below – would probably have gotten Latto beheaded.
Instead Latto decided to go with an extra longer nd extra baggy dress. She also adjusted her performance so that she no longer tw*rked. It was a very different Latto – but sh pulled it off.
She and Gorilla are probably the only female artists that could do a full on performance – without tw**king – and still have it be entertaining.