WATCH THE VIDEO HERE He made the disclosure during his address to the nation on Sunday morning, Tinubu revealed that ₦45.6 billion has been processed for payment to students and institutions under the student loan scheme, and encouraged more youths to take advantage of the opportunity. He also mentioned establishing the Consumer Credit Corporation (CREDICORP) with over ₦200 billion to help Nigerians acquire essential products without immediate cash payments, reducing corruption and opaque transactions Speaking further, the President explained that an extra ₦50 billion each has been released for the student loan and Credit Corporation from recovered crime proceeds. He highlighted initiatives such as the Digital and Creative Enterprises (IDiCE) program, which has secured $620 million to empower young people and create millions of IT and technical jobs. Other programs mentioned include the Skill-Up Artisans Programme (SUPA), Nigerian Youth Academy (NIYA), and National Youth Talent Export Programme (NATEP). The President also announced the release of over ₦570 billion to states to expand livelihood support, nano-grants to 600,000 nano-businesses, and single-digit interest loans to micro and small businesses. He further highlighted the construction of MSME hubs, which have created 240,000 jobs, and the signing of the National Minimum Wage into law, increasing the minimum wage to ₦70,000 per month. Furthermore, President Tinubu mentioned the inauguration of the Renewed Hope City and Estate, an ambitious housing initiative aiming to complete 100,000 housing units over three years, creating thousands of jobs and stimulating economic growth. He then announced incentives for farmers to increase food production, including the removal of tariffs and import duties on essential items for six months to drive down prices.President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has listed some initiatives his administration has introduced to improve the lives of Nigerians.