WATCH THE VIDEO HERE In a statement issued on Wednesday, the spokesperson for the police command, Omolola Odutola, noted that the command had received multiple reports from residents, including an incident where a victim was robbed at gunpoint of ₦700,000 after entering a vehicle from Kajola on Wednesday. The spokesperson cautioned traders and business owners against travelling with large sums of cash and recommended that commuters document and share a video with the police media if they have any doubts about the legitimacy of a vehicle they intend to board. Odutola said, “The Ogun State Police Command has become inundated with complaints of a notorious gang operating within Sagamu, Ijebu Ode to Mowe. “Commuters on that axis, make a video of your next trip and upload it to police media when in doubt of the vehicle. “Please alert our traders, and business owners not to risk travelling with huge cash. “Today, N700,000 was transferred from a victim, who joined from Kajola and at gunpoint, they drove her into a street and made the transfer into a POS machine. “Investigation is ongoing.” Meanwhile, passengers in a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) were reportedly attacked and robbed by some street thugs on Tuesday, in Orile Lagos State. A victim of the attack, Dare Abiola, told The Nation that street boys disguised as protesters against the seizure of motorcycles by the task force attacked their bus around 1 pm and took away the passengers’ valuables. He lamented that his money and some of his valuables were stolen by the hoodlums. He added that the attack went on for about 20 to 30 minutes without the intervention of security personnel. He said: “I boarded a BRT bus from Mile 2 going to CMS. When we got to the Odunade bus stop, we noticed a crowd had gathered, and some were marching to the Orile bus stop. “From what we heard, they said they were going to Orile police station to go and attack some policemen who I learnt had raided some motorcyclists around the Odunade-Coker axis. “As we moved further, the crowd grew. When we got to the Alafia bus stop, in front of the NNPC fuel station, some guys started breaking the BRT windshield and the windows. “Personally, they collected my bag and my phone. Before I released the items, they threatened to stab me with a Trophy bottle.” However, he noted that he went to Orile police station to file a formal complaint. Speaking on the incident, the state’s police spokesperson, Benjamin Hundeyin, noted that he does not have the details of the incident yet.The Ogun State Police Command has issued a warning to the public regarding a notorious armed robbery gang operating along the Sagamu, Ijebu Ode to Mowe Expressway.