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Reps Approve Conditions to Revoke Licences of Insurance Companies

Coronation Insurance

The House of Representatives has passed Nigeria Insurance Industry Reform Act, 2024, repealing Act, Cap 117, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004; the Marine Insurance Act, Cap M3, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004; The Motor Vehicle (Third Party) Insurance Act, Cap M22, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004; the National Insurance Corporation of Nigeria Act, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and the Nigerian Insurance Reinsurance Corporation Act, Cap N131, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

At the plenary on Wednesday, the green chamber of the National Assembly approved some conditions the operating licence of an insurance company can be revoked by the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM).

The new piece of legislature, which provides for a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework for insurance business in Nigeria, was enacted yesterday after the consideration of the Senate bill.

During the presentation by House Leader, Mr Julius Ihonvbere, yesterday, for a clause-by-clause consideration, it was agreed that NAICOM can withdraw the licence of an insurer or reinsurer if it is not conducting insurance business in accordance with sound insurance principles.

In addition, this action can be carried out if the licence holder has “failed to satisfy the capital or solvency requirement as prescribed by the commission and has ceased to carry on the business of insurance and the primary purpose for which it was registered for at least one year in Nigeria.”

The lower chamber of the parliament also concurred with the Senate that for obtaining an operating licence, “An application for licensing as an insurer shall be made to the commission in the prescribed form and accompanied by such other documents or information as the commission may from time to time require.

“The commission shall publish and make available to the general public a service charter which shall provide for products and services of the commission and the complete list of requirements to obtain the products and services.”

However, no person or organisation is allowed to “commence or carry out insurance, reinsurance or related business in Nigeria unless licensed by the commission as an insurer or a reinsurer under this bill.”

NAICOM was given the power to “regulate the insurance industry [in Nigeria] in order to develop the insurance sector and to protect the interest of policyholders, prospective policyholders and other stakeholders under insurance policies in ways that are consistent with the continued development of a viable, competitive  and innovative insurance industry.”

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