Sekai Savanhu, who gained notoriety last December for sharing explicit photos with her husband’s best friend, has once again found herself embroiled in scandalous behavior with the same lover.
Her husband, Casper Savanhu, caught them in a compromising situation, leading to renewed turmoil within their family. Despite the public embarrassment and strain on their marriage, Casper chose not to divorce Sekai, prompting them to leave their home in Dzivaresekwa.
Despite relocating, Sekai continued her affair, disregarding the shame her actions brought upon her husband’s decision to forgive her.
According to a neighbor interviewed by H-Metro, Casper caught them red-handed late at night, which resulted in a physical confrontation between him and Sekai.
He subsequently confronted his friend, making it clear he intended to bring Sekai to live with him as he was finished with her.
The neighbor expressed concern over Sekai’s repeated infidelity despite previous incidents and Casper’s forgiveness, suggesting she may need professional help to address her behavior.
... Unrepentant wife caught again sharing bedroom pictures with hubby’s friend (READ) Read More on ... Face of Malawi.