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Video of Joe Budden GOING OFF on QueenzFlip Goes Viral!!

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A behind-the-scenes video of Joe Budden going off on his co-host and Joe Budden Podcast employee, QueenzFlip, has gone viral online.

Things got heated during the recording after Budden brought up co-host Emmany’s fight on QueenzFlip’s livestream. Emanny verbally confronted a man named Backwoody before QueenzFlip is forced to throw Woody to the ground to stop the fighting.

The brawl did not take place at the JBP, but Budden was clearly annoyed by the incident and, according to Flip, accused him of setting Emanny up.

Flip called Budden a “negative highlighter” in the clip. He reiterated a point that he often makes on the show: Budden often only highlights his co-host’s negative experiences instead of celebrating their wins.

Emmany was suspended from the pod for a few days but returned to work last week.

In the above clip, Budden is seen getting in Flip’s face and warns the podcaster not to tell him what he can and cannot say.

Budden eventually cools down as the pair go back and forth, and tries to de-escalate the situation, but Flip is still in his feelings.

Tags ·Joe Budden·Queenzflip

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