WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The Vivo X Fold 3 series will arrive on March 26. That’s the launch date that Vivo scheduled for China. Some more details surfaced, and it seems like the Vivo X Fold 3 Pro price will be sky-high. According to a promo poster shared by Whylabs, the device is coming in two configurations. The cheaper one will include 16GB of RAM and 512GB of storage, while the top-end one will arrive with 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage. The two models are set to cost CNY13,999 and CNY14,999. Transferred to dollars, those price tags read $1,945 and $2,083. Needless to say, these price tags are very high. These prices are actually extremely high for foldables in global markets, let alone in China. Chinese prices are usually considerably lower. For example, the Xiaomi 14 starts at the equivalent of $546 in China, while globally it starts at €999 ($1,092). You can see a huge difference here. So imagine what would the price of the Vivo X Fold 3 Pro be if it actually arrived to global markets. With such differences, we’re looking at a price tag of over $2,500 most likely. That’s actually a detail that leads us to believe it’ll stay exclusive to China. In any case, the company already revealed the design of the Vivo X Fold 3 series. You can check out the gallery below if you’d like to take a closer look at it. What we know so far is that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 will fuel the Vivo X Fold 3 PRo. An 8.03-inch main display was mentioned, and a 6.53-inch cover panel. Samsung’s E7 AMOLED display will be used on both ends. A 120Hz refresh rate will be on offer, and both panels will be quite bright. Powerful cameras are also tipped, and a 5,700mAh battery. The device is also said to support 120W wired charging and 50W wireless charging. We’ll know far more on March 26.The Vivo X Fold 3 Pro price tags have been revealed and they’re… extremely high
Its price tag in markets outside of China would be ultra-premium
Some spec details did get revealed already