The election is just 24 hours away, and we’re being inundated with celebrities telling us to vote. Well Media Take Out decided to do a bit of digging, to see whether some of your favorite celebrities voted in the past.
Many of the celebs you see endorsing candidates have been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for their endorsements. So don’t just take their word for it.
You can see, that many of the most vocal, haven’t been voting as much as you’d imagine.
Voter records are public information, so you can see whether someone voted in the past – or not. And we were pretty surprised.
Here’s what we know, First off Whoopi Goldberg, real name Caryn Johnson, who often talks politics and recently endorsed Kamala Harris appears to have never voted until this year, according to public records:
Here are some of other voter records. Usher – who endorsed Kamal Harris.
Lebron, who endorsed Kamala:
Here are some of the loudest, and ratchetest voices. And as you can imagine, their voting records are pretty poor:
Wacka Flocka, a Trump supporter:
Kanye West, another Trump supporter:
Sexyy Red voted this year, for the first time – she’s with Kamala:
Amber Rose, who is for Trump:
Cardi B voted just once before:
And here’s something interesting. Jay Z last voted for Obama. But it appears he didn’t vote in 2020. He’s also been silent on this election.