WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The internet is becoming increasingly more sophisticated thanks to the rise of powerful new software like AI. As a result, your devices, and, more importantly, your data, are less secure than ever before. Fortunately though, you’re not without options, and the first place you should start is by grabbing yourself a VPN. These nifty pieces of software provide you with cohesive protection by masking your location and encrypting your data, preventing hackers from learning anything about you whatsoever. They also have additional benefits by allowing you to trick your device into thinking it’s in another location entirely, which has a ton of additional use cases. We’ll get onto that though. Let’s start by looking at those safety features in a bit more detail so you know exactly what you’re getting when using a VPN like CyberGhost VPN. It should be fairly obvious why this is useful, but there are loads of ways in which a hacker can use your location to learn more about you. Heck, even less nefarious internet bodies like advertisers can use your location to push more products at you. So it really is best to keep that to yourself. And that’s what a VPN does: it hides where you are while accessing the internet so that no one can use it against you. This is where the bulk of the safety comes from. Hackers are pretty adept at stealing data these days, including passwords and credit card details. All you really have to do is input your data on a website without security features and they can grab it all pretty easily. A VPN protects you from all of that though, by encrypting all of your data so that hackers will only see a bunch of nonsense that they can’t use. It’s simple and effective. Let’s end on a more positive note: how a VPN can actually prove useful instead of just in keeping you safe. That’s thanks to its ability to allow you to change your device’s location, so you can bypass regional restrictions and access games you otherwise couldn’t. It even opens up the option to download games that aren’t available in your region yet, or even stream games on services that either aren’t available, or the game isn’t available yet. The options are varied.It Masks Your Location
It Encrypts Your Data
You Can Change Your Location