WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The Nigerian lady who imitates AI robots has been sighted dressed in various traditional attires. In the video, Amadou Elizabeth Aminata, also known as Jadro Lita, demonstrated her robot-like personality. She appeared in many situations dressed in traditional Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, and Benin clothes. In each scenario, she greeted individuals in their native tongues and demonstrated how a monarch is received by different tribes. She was stunningly attractive and pleasant, as seen by the numerous comments on social media. Jadro Lita captioned the video: “Good evening and greetings to the various kings of the major tribes in Nigeria! Represent your tribe.” Reactions as lady greets like an AI robot @M _Guru said: “You look amazing in all.” @gloriaokpo commented: “Impressive. Please, wear the Ibibio/Efik attire.” @davidjatto226 said: “Edo people gather here.” @Big Lady_LIVE commented: “You’re too beautiful.” @so help me God reacted: “Even esan girl chose Yoruba first. Where are my Yoruba brothers and sisters?” @T.I.G said: “OYA all my Yoruba people gather here.” @stephen___celeb said: “Long live the Benin kingdom.” @Ruthana said: “I watched it more than 5 times.” @Ella_amor said: “You’re gorgeous, Lita.” @may27 GEMINI said: “Edo dressing is so beautiful. I’m proud of my tradition.”