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12 Little Known Facts About The Late Chance Perdomo

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In the fall of 2023, Chance Perdomo faced controversy over his Twitter likes and who he followed on Instagram. Fans noticed his official Twitter account liked tweets from Andrew Tate, a podcaster known for his misogynistic views, along with tweets that seemed to support the anti-vaccination movement, among other controversial views. On Instagram, his official account was following several accounts associated with the alt-right movement. 

Fans on Reddit were concerned, especially considering the types of characters he portrayed and the projects he was involved with. In a since-deleted statement on his Instagram, the actor condemned the likes and follows. He confirmed that he and his team were looking into the “recent mismanagement of [his] Twitter & Instagram handles” and that “the operator in charge of social engagement & audience growth has since been fired.” He reinforced that the likes and follows did not “reflect [his] personal beliefs or viewpoints.” 

Previously in his career, Perdomo spoke of how social media plays a part in the casting process. “Both unfortunately and fortunately, you can now get quite a lot of clout through things like Instagram followers,” he commented to Gentleman’s Journal. “I know people who have lost out on jobs because they didn’t have enough followers. Even if you’re neck-and-neck on acting ability, it’ll go to the one with 1,000 more followers.”

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