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A Star Wars Prequel Jedi Is Secretly In The Acolyte Trailer (According To Twitter)

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After Disney acquired Lucasfilm, the decision was made that the “Star Wars” universe had to start over and, as a result, convert what was once canon to “Legends” status. Details like the next generation of Skywalkers were swapped out with chest-thumping turncoats like Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), and even trivia tidbits as small as Plo Koon’s species, the Kel Dors, were shelved and never expanded upon further. However, the showrunner of “The Acolyte” Leslye Headland told that there were sections of Legends lore that she was transferring to her show, which might include Plo’s history. Headland said to the site, “There’s also some EU lore that I decided to put in because I thought it was so cool, and no one told me I couldn’t.”

Part of this lore is that, while the Kel Dor has a similar life expectancy to humans, Plo Koon is an exception, given that Legends lore has him dying at the ripe old age of 385. With that in mind, there’s no reason that the familiar-looking Jedi shown in the recent trailer couldn’t be Plo Koon or another Kel Dor entirely. We’ll have to wait and see when “The Acolyte” fires up a wall rack full of lightsabers on June 4, 2024.

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