
A Tribute to Courage: Upholding Justice and Protecting Press Freedom in Nigeria

Journalists 1


As we commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Nigeria Union of Journalists – NUJ from 15th March 1955 to 15th March 2025, it is imperative that we pause to acknowledge and honour our fallen colleagues, tragic victims of impunity. Every act of violence against journalists – be it intimidation, harassment, or murder – constitutes a fundamental assault on the very principles of democracy and freedom of expression that we hold dear.
As the esteemed journalist and advocate for press freedom, Anna Politkovskaya, astutely observed, “Without journalism, there are no freedoms.” The courageous pursuit of truth by journalists, alongside their unwavering commitment to exposing corruption and injustice, must not be forgotten or overlooked.

The deafening silence surrounding these appalling acts emboldens those who seek to suppress dissent and obscure the truth. Therefore, we stand resolutely in solidarity with the families of those who have lost their lives in the line of duty, and we must collectively demand justice. Our commendation also extends to the fortitude of survivors, who bear the scars of impunity yet continue their vital work.

It is crucial that we advocate for enhanced protections, accountability, and a culture of safety for journalists. Unless we confront and dismantle this culture of impunity, the future of journalism in Nigeria hangs precariously in the balance. We must remember the sacrifices made and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to upholding their legacy in the fight for truth and justice.

According to the report “State of Media Freedom in Nigeria” by the Media Foundation for West Africa and the Nigeria Union of Journalists, for the period from 2016 to 2020, Nigeria recorded some of the highest levels of violence targeting journalists. These statistics serve as an indictment of the deficient record on democracy and the rule of law in Nigeria, where a lack of transparency, corruption, and the politics of exclusion frequently culminate in frustrations and violent rivalries, creating perilous environments in which journalists become easy targets for powerful forces intent on suppressing dissent.
Acts of impunity against journalists in Nigeria manifest in diverse forms, from murder to harassment and intimidation. The following outlines some of the most concerning instances of acts of impunity perpetrated against members of the press in Nigeria:

*Minere Amakiri: A reporter then for the Nigerian Observer, the former Bendel State newspaper, had his head forcibly shaved with broken glass in Port Harcourt. This was done on the orders of Alfred Diette-Spiff, the Military Governor of Rivers State. His ‘offence’ was reporting on the 30th of July, the Governor’s 31st birthday regarding the grievances of local teachers( 1973).

Shu’aibu Usman Leman,
National Secretary,
Nigeria Union of Journalists,
November 2002 – April 2024
Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer