Nollywood actress Efe Irele turned thirty-four, and she took to Instagram to celebrate with a creative video. The video started with Efe Irele placing the number 24 on her birthday cake, but someone snatched the number two away and placed a three next to the four instead, which summed up her current age to thirty-four. Colleagues and fans trooped to the comments to send in their well wishes in honor of her birthday. nancyisimeofficial wrote, “34 is cr*zy Efe Maybe there was a mix up in your birth certificate? You’re 19 Sis” deyemitheactor wrote, “The young shall grow happy birthday sweetheart” jaycelinebrand wrote, “Happy birthday” officialkikelomo wrote, “Another year to share your post with everyone and show them how timelessly young you look” fatolablog wrote, “Today and every other day!! for you pleaseeeee we love you”
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