WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Yoruba Nollywood actress Kemi Korede has shared the secret to her beauty with her fans. Kemi Korede rocked her Instagram page with dazzling photos of herself that got many commending her beauty. Sharing the secret, the proud mother stated that love makes her beautiful every day. She disclosed that the more she loves herself the more beautiful she becomes. “The more I love myself, the more beautiful I become,” she captioned the photo. A few days ago, Kemi Korede showed her emotional side when her first child matriculated at Babcock University. Kemi Korede shared a lovely video of herself and her daughter on her Instagram page with heartwarming words celebrating her daughter’s milestone. Her daughter was shy in the video while her mother joyously took different snaps at the event. Sharing the video, Kemi Korede spoke about how emotional she is to see her first fruit being admitted into Babcock University. She was thankful to God because she witnessed her daughter’s matriculation. Korede recalled watching her daughter grow into a strong, intelligent, beautiful Woman. She noted that their journey was not easy, but every sacrifice she made was worth the journey. Also, Kemi Korede bagged a Special Recognition Award at the Nigerian Canadian Celebrities Entertainment Awards in Canada. She shared the good news on her verified Instagram page with a photo of the award with her fans and followers. The beautiful actress is thankful for the honour bestowed on her to be recognised, especially among her colleagues. Some months ago, Yoruba actress Bola Omotosho recounted Kemi Korede’s good deeds during the latter’s birthday dinner. Kemi Korede’s friends held a birthday dinner which had in attendance some of her colleagues like Omowunmi Ajiboye, Bola Omotosho, Bisola Badmus, Toyin Alausa, Damola Olatunji, Regina Chukwu, Jide Awobona, and a host of others. Everyone took turns to give a speech about the celebrant, but Bola Omotosho’s speech stood out when she spoke about how the movie star stood by her during her Caesarean operation.