WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actor and filmmaker Afeez Owo has shared the sweet moment his wife and mother of his kids, Mide Martins, surprises him at his workplace. Despite being married for nearly two decades with two kids, Mide Martins is still heed over hills in love with her husband, who she recently visited at his movie set. In an Instagram video, Afeez was captured running into the arms of his wife, who jumped on him, and the two exchanged kisses as others watched in awe. Sharing the video online, Afeez revealed that his wife came to visit them on set as he appreciated her for the visit. “She came to visit us at work. Thanks for coming Elle”. The couple, who are known to tension the internet with their loved-up video, didn’t disappoint this time as many trooped to his comment section to gush over the duo. Semilore Pweety wrote, “Ha ok oo Aisha Lawal commented with laughing emojis Mo Bimpe commented with love emojis Olayinka Solomon wrote, “Forever is the deal Jumoke Odetola wrote, “I go love o! If you no get boo, hide your face. Shey, I no go hide my face like this Bakare Zainab and Bisola Badmus commented with love emojis One Bella_g_empire wrote, “God when One Foluke_Odunola_Ojo wrote, “I love this people One Official Oloruntoto wrote, “Happiness One Beautified_by_dunni wrote, “My best couples in the film industry One Moduham_1313 wrote, “Don’t choke us with love na popcy”. Over the years, Afeez and Mide have won the hearts of many with their constant display of affection for on another on social media and at event. In December, while receiving the Best Actress of the Year award from OAFP, Mide knelt as she appreciated Afeez Owo for his constant support. She appreciated, as she noted how without him, there is no her. She thanked him for being there for her since she lost her mother. Late last year Mide had broken down in tears as she accompanied Afeez to the airport to board a flight to Canada. The video captured the emotional but sweet moment Mide saw her husband off at the airport, where they kissed and found it difficult to separate from each other. While shedding tears, Mide wished her husband progress and a pleasant stay, she expressed how much she had missed him. Back in September at a movie location, Mide had showered prayers on Afeez Owo. She shared a video of them on the set of a movie, as she noted how what God cannot do doesn’t exist and congratulated her husband. Raining prayers on him, she wished him success in life and prayed for him to keep soaring higher and for him to never crumble. In July, during an event at their children’s school, Afeez Owo had wowed Mide , with his impressive dance steps. Mide had shared a clip of them rocking the dance stage. The lovebirds, known for their comic acts, especially the actor, were the cynosure of all eyes as they put up a loved-up display. At some point, Afeez took his dance step to the extreme as he left even his wife shocked at his dramatic displays. In other news, Martins had revealed how she collects money from her husband. The wife of the filmmaker, who is fond of money, had shared a video of her feeding her husband at his birthday dinner; she revealed that she decided to feed him well and bribe him with a kiss so he could give her more money.