Business News

Average domestic flight fares in Nigeria stabilize at around N89,000 in May 2024


The average fares for domestic flights in Nigeria have stabilized at around N89,000, with passengers paying an average of N89,432.43 in May 2024. This represents a slight increase of 0.27% from N89,189.19 in April 2024.

These figures are drawn from the Transport Fare Watch for May 2024, recently released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

While the average domestic flight fare for May 2024 has remained relatively stable month-on-month, a comparison with May 2023 reveals a 19.32% increase from N74,948.78, according to the NBS report.

“In air travel, the average fare paid by air passengers for specified routes single journey was N89,432.43 in May 2024, showing an increase of 0.27% while compared to previous month (April 2024). On a year-on -year basis, the fare rose by 19.32% from N74,948.78 in May 2023,” the NBS report read in part.

The NBS report also provided an analysis of the average domestic flight fares for May 2024 by geopolitical zones. The North West zone recorded the highest average fare at N92,228.57, followed closely by the South West zone with an average fare of N92,083.33. In contrast, the North Central zone had the lowest average fare at N86,071.43.

Other zones showed the following average fares: N88,550 in the South South zone, N87,440 in the South East zone, and N89,983.33 in the North East zone.

The analysis of average fares for domestic flights across Nigeria’s 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, in May 2024 revealed significant variations.