WATCH THE VIDEO HERE AY Makun, the stand-up comedian turned actor and producer, has added another blockbuster to his repertoire with The Waiter. The film, an action-comedy, has crossed the N200 million mark at the Nigerian box office, grossing an impressive N218.6 million within just two weeks of its release on December 20, 2024. This milestone places The Waiter among Nollywood’s elite, alongside other high-performing titles such as Toyin Abraham’s Alakada: Bad and Boujee, which debuted the same day, and Everybody Loves Jenifa, a record-breaking film that has grossed over N1 billion. Directed by Toka McBaror and produced under Ayo Makun Productions, The Waiter brings together an ensemble cast featuring Nollywood heavyweights like Deyemi Okanlawon, Regina Daniels, Toke Makinwa, Brain Jotter, Williams Uchemba, and Shaffy Bello. The film is produced by Corporate World Entertainment. In The Waiter, audiences are treated to a lively mix of comedy and a subtle critique of Nigeria’s socio-political landscape, creating a film that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Despite its box office success, The Waiter has faced mixed reviews from critics. Some have highlighted perceived shortcomings in the plot and subplots, as well as the overuse of AY’s signature character, “Warri” Akpos, a fan-favorite known for his hilarious antics but often criticized for lack of character evolution. However, ticket sales tell a different story, proving that audiences remain captivated by AY’s signature blend of humor and relatability. The Waiter’s strong showing follows AY’s recent success with Merry Men 3, released on October 13, 2023. That film grossed over N100 million during its cinematic run, with an opening weekend revenue of N33.4 million, according to the Cinema Exhibitors Association of Nigeria (CEAN). With The Waiter, AY continues to push the boundaries of Nollywood’s box office potential. His ability to draw massive crowds despite critical feedback underscores his deep connection with Nigerian audiences, who eagerly anticipate his projects.