WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The WhatsApp number of one of President Bola Tinubu’s ministers has been compromised by hackers. Senator John Owan Enoh, the Honourable Minister of Sports Development, got his WhatsApp account number hacked. The hacking was discovered on Monday, according to Diana-Mary Nsan, the Special Adviser on Media to the Minister. In a statement, Nsan urged Nigerians to ignore any requests or messages from the compromised number. He said, “Good day Ladies and Gentlemen. It is of great importance I bring to your notice, that the WhatsApp number of the Honourable Minister of Sports Development, Senator John Owan Enoh has been hacked. “Please, do not respond to any message or messages demanding from you or making request, as that fellow isn’t the Sports Minister. The situation will be arrested. Do accept our assurances and best regards”.