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‘Bring home income to support your man’ – Omoni Oboli to ladies

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Nollywood actress Omoni Oboli has urged women to prioritise their financial independence.
The mother of three took to Instagram to address women and emphasised the importance of having a source of income, especially for those in relationships.
She wrote, “Sisters!!! I don’t know who needs to hear this, but as a lady, have what you do that brings income, especially if you are in a relationship. it might be tough but find something! Please, sis, anything. E get why. Always remember that I love you and God loves you too #Omoney.”
Her post garnered reactions from Instagram users, who took to her comment section to voice their opinions on the matter.
One user expressed passionately, “We ladies shouldn’t even be reminded to get something doing for ourselves. We are human beings first before we become wives or partners for men. Does it mean we were just created without any purpose for ourselves and must only wait on a man? I just don’t get the mentality of some ladies.”
“Facts. Personal income gives some level of independence,” said another user in agreement
Some users shed light on the issue from a different perspective. A male user wrote, “This world is too hard now for a man yo. God wasn’t wrong when he made it clear in the bible when he pointed out women as helpers. This isn’t to forget that we men MUST be the sole provider in any relationship, no matter how. The income of the man is what the household depends on, even if the wife is making more.”
Others concurred, highlighting the importance of personal income as a means of gaining independence and self-worth
“So that, if your man leaves you, your pain won’t be based on the fact that you won’t be getting money from him anymore,” said another user.