WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Hollywood stars Zoë Kravitz and Channing Tatum have split after more than three years together. The couple were also engaged at the time of the split. The pair first became romantically linked after working together on the movie Blink Twice, which was directed by Kravitz and starred Tatum. They got engaged last October and the “High Fidelity” actress was seen sporting an impressive 7-carat ring. “This is what I’ll say about creating with someone that you are with or love: I suggest it,” Tatum told PEOPLE months back. “If you are thinking about having a kid or if you’re thinking about getting married, go find the hardest possible creative project with your partner.” He added, “When you can look across the room or the set and know that you have the best person that is next to you trying to solve problems, and you’re really looking to them for answers just as equally as trying to solve them yourself, that is unbelievable.” [social_warfare]
Channing Tatum and Zoë Kravitz Call Off Engagement After 3 Years Together