
Chinese National Detained In Australia Over $700 Million North Korean Tobacco Scheme


A Chinese national, Jin Guanghua, is currently detained in Australia amid allegations of orchestrating a tobacco smuggling operation that reportedly generated $700 million for North Korea.

Guanghua is awaiting extradition to the United States, where he is set to face charges related to sanctions violations, bank fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy offenses.

The accused is believed to have supplied tobacco to Pyongyang for approximately ten years, contributing to a scheme operated through North Korean state-owned companies and financed by its banks. US court documents reveal that Chinese front companies facilitated transactions through the US financial system, allowing millions of dollars to flow into Pyongyang, thereby bypassing sanctions.

Jin Guanghua has further been accused of establishing entities in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, and China to facilitate tobacco purchases.

The US said that revenue generated from this illicit scheme is alleged to have supported North Korea’s ballistic and nuclear proliferation programs.

Counterfeit cigarettes, a major source of income for North Korea since the 1990s, are produced in Pyongyang and distributed with the false packaging of well-known tobacco brands. These counterfeit cigarettes have been discovered in various countries, including the Philippines, Vietnam, and Belize.

If convicted, Jin faces substantial fines and a lengthy prison sentence.

Court documents also named his alleged co-conspirators, Chinese nationals Qin Guoming and Han Linlin, who are currently wanted by the FBI with a bounty of $498,000 offered for information leading to their arrest and conviction.

The illicit trade in counterfeit cigarettes has long been a significant source of hard currency for North Korea according to US authorities. The US has imposed strict sanctions on North Korea over its nuclear and ballistic missile activities. In 2023, British American Tobacco faced a $635 million fine after one of its subsidiaries admitted to selling cigarettes to Pyongyang, described by authorities as an “elaborate scheme to circumvent US sanctions.”

Ozioma Samuel-Ugwuezi