WATCH THE VIDEO HERE It is raining congratulatory messages for Nollywood Yoruba actor Mustapha Sholagbade as he welcomes another child. The actor and his wife are starting the year with a new bundle of joy. The good news of their baby’s birth was made known by his colleague, Yetunde Barnabas. Taking to her Instagram page, Yetunde shared a photo of the actor and another of his newborn as she congratulated him on his child’s birth and celebrated his birthday. “Happy birthday and congratulations on your new bundle of joy, musty @mustiphasholagbade. Wishing you many more years of good health and wealth. GOD bless the newborn.” Mustapha took to her comment section to appreciate her. He wrote, “Thanks dear”. In 2022, Mustapha and his wife welcomed their second child, a baby boy. While announcing the news, he showed his appreciation to his wife for birthing their child and to his creator for another opportunity given to his family. The Yoruba actor got married to his American-based lover in August 2017 after a messy battle with his baby mama, who was at war with his wife. Sholagbade shares a son with Nollywood make-over artist Adewunmi Faitai, popularly known as Glitter’s Touch. Last year, Wunmi had disgraced him on his birthday, as she dragged him for being a deadbeat father. She listed out the several things that Mustapha had failed to do for his son. Reacting to her posts, Bukunmi Oluwasina had tearfully pleaded with him to reunite and show love to his son. She begged him not to allow his son to pay for the mistakes he made with his baby mama. In better news, while celebrating his wife’s birthday, Mustapha noted how he and his wife had been through a lot together. The actor went on to pledge his life for his wife, however, he wasn’t ready to prove it yet. The actor stated that his wife deserves the very best out of life because she is the very best thing that has ever happened to him.