WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Talented Nollywood actor and filmmaker Femi Adebayo has been left surprised over a grand gesture from his wife, Aduke Omotayo. Kemi Filani reported that the actor had turned a new age on December 31st. Via his Instagram page, he shared a black and white photo of himself as he expressed gratitude to his Maker and stated that this new age is one filled with grace, growth, and gratitude. To mark his new age, his wife had surprised him at their home. According to the actor, his wife invited a musical artist to come through for his birthday dinner, where he was serenaded with a beautiful rendition. “It was a pleasant surprise yesterday when my Darling wife @iyanaladuke invited @beriola_ to come through for my birthday dinner and serenade us with a beautiful rendition. My heart is full and my joy is boundless, thanks to my adorable wife for putting this together”. Last year, Femi’s wife had gotten into a fight with his colleague, Dayo Amusa, for criticizing him for declaring Bobrisky the best-dressed winner at Eniola Ajao’s movie premiere. Aduke blasted her for trying to bring her husband down, and Dayo hit back, pointing out how shallow-minded she was, and urged her husband to own up, take responsibility for his actions, and do the needful. Speaking out, Femi claimed that the movie star was envious of his success, as he advised her to channel the energy on her career and stop trying to bring him down. Dayo Amusa, who wasn’t pleased with his statement hits back at him, hurling insults at him. In other news, Adebayo and his wife had celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary. The Seven Doors producer blessed his timeline with a lovely photo of himself and his dear wife dancing while he showered her with naira notes. The actor revealed how he and his wife were mere dreamers planning a future together. He appreciated her for being the most amazing wife any man could desire, for her constant support, and for making him laugh.