
FG Partners With US Firm To Create 50,000 BPO Jobs For Nigerians

FG Partners US Firm to create 50000 BPO Jobs for Nigerians 1068x534 1 768x384 1


The collaboration between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the U.S. Cybersecurity Institute, Lab Four, and the National Talent Export Programme (NATEP) marks a significant milestone in job creation initiatives.

Let’s delve into the details of this partnership and its potential impact on the Nigerian economy.

Driving Economic Growth Through BPO Jobs

The partnership aims to create 50,000 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) jobs in Nigeria over the next three years.

These jobs span various sectors such as telesales, customer service, virtual administrative assistant, marketing/social media assistant, and tech/cybersecurity.

The Minister of Industry Trade and Investment, Dr. Doris Anite, highlights the economic potential of this collaboration, estimating that it could annually attract up to $1.2 billion into the Nigerian economy through remuneration to employees.

NATEP: A Catalyst for Talent Export and Economic Development

At the core of this initiative lies the National Talent Export Programme (NATEP), designed to position Nigeria as a global hub for service exports and talent acquisition.

Dr. Anite underscores NATEP’s role in enhancing competitiveness, fostering innovation, and driving sustainable growth through trade in services.

The program aims to create 1 million service-export jobs over the next five years, bolstering Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings and revenue while promoting economic development and supporting associated industries.

Strategic Objectives of NATEP

Dr. Anite outlines four key objectives of the NATEP initiative:

  • Creation of 1 million service-export jobs
  • Enhancement of Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings and revenue
  • Promotion of economic development
  • Growth of associated industries and support services

Moreover, NATEP seeks to improve skills and strengthen the Nigerian brand on the global stage.

To achieve these objectives, strategic partnerships with domestic and international institutions play a pivotal role in driving the growth of the BPO industry and fostering a conducive environment for talent development.

Empowering Talent Export Through Partnerships

Dr. Femi Adeluyi, the National Coordinator of NATEP, underscores the program’s commitment to empowering the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector.

He assures a transparent selection process for job candidates, emphasizing the importance of recruiting highly qualified individuals.

Interested individuals are encouraged to visit the NATEP website for detailed information about the program and application process.

Lab Four’s Commitment to Job Creation

Mr. Anthony Okhiria, the Executive Director of Lab Four, reiterates the company’s dedication to accelerating job creation in Nigeria.

Lab Four’s involvement in the partnership signifies a significant step towards leveraging Nigeria’s talent pool for economic growth and development.

The collaboration aims to expedite talent export and revenue generation while fostering entrepreneurship and innovation across the country.

U.S. Embassy’s Support for Nigeria’s Economic Growth

Representing the United States Embassy, Mr. John Dunham emphasizes the importance of Nigeria’s burgeoning IT sector and entrepreneurial ecosystem.

He lauds the efforts to encourage the growth of this sector, recognizing its potential as a game-changer for Nigeria’s economic landscape.

The U.S. Embassy’s support underscores the shared commitment to driving economic growth and prosperity in Nigeria.

Conclusion: Paving the Way for Sustainable Development

The strategic partnership between the Federal Government, Lab Four, and NATEP holds immense promise for job creation, talent export, and economic development in Nigeria.

By harnessing the country’s abundant human resources and fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, this collaboration lays the foundation for sustainable growth and prosperity.

As Nigeria continues to position itself as a global player in service exports, the collective efforts of government and industry stakeholders will be instrumental in realizing this vision of inclusive economic development.