WATCH THE VIDEO HERE According to a new report, the very first ‘Ultra’ phone from Xiaomi’s POCO could arrive soon. This could actually be the recently-announced Redmi K80 Pro, but with a different name. Xiaomi has a habit of re-releasing some of its Redmi K series smartphones, that originally launched in China, under the POCO brand globally. Well, one such phone appeared at the FCC, it seems. The report comes from 91mobiles, as the Xiaomi device under the model number ‘24122RKC7G’ appeared. This phone is believed to be the POCO F7 Ultra, and it’s expected to arrive to global markets. That exact model number has been used for the Redmi K80 Pro, based on previous listings. That clearly signals that we’re looking at the exact same phone here. The POCO F7 Ultra is tipped to come in 12GB and 16GB RAM models. The 12GB RAM variant will be offered in combination with 256GB and 512GB of storage. The 16GB RAM model will arrive with 512GB of storage. This listing confirms Wi-Fi 7 for the device, and 5G connectivity as well. Considering that the Redmi K80 Pro launched in China, very recently, it’s not exactly a mystery as to what the phone will look like or what specs will it bring. You can expect flat sides, in addition to a flat display, and flat backplate. A circular camera island will be placed on the back of the phone. A centered display camera hole will also be included at the top of the display. The Snapdragon 8 Elite will be a part of the package, as will a 6,000mAh battery. 100W wired charging is also something the Redmi K80 Pro offers, and the same goes for 50W wireless charging. The phone also has a 6.67-inch QHD AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. Three cameras are placed on its back, while there are two nano SIM card slots. Android 15 will come pre-installed on the POCO F7 Ultra, and so on.The very first ‘Ultra’ phone from Xiaomi is coming… it seems
It is expected to be a rebranded Redmi K80 Pro with powerful specs