WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actor Jide Awobona and his beautiful wife have shared lovely photos online to celebrate their decades of friendship. The actor shared beautiful photos of himself and his wife on his verified page with heartwarming words. The couple are celebrating two decades of friendship and a decade of exchanging their vows. Jide Awobona spoke about how they held onto God and love despite their flaws, challenges and trials. “Despite our flaws, challenges, and trials, we cling to love and God. For in love, there is healing, and in faith, there is hope. Together, they light the way through even the darkest moments.” Beautiful comments rocked Jide Awobona’s timeline. Congratulations from different angles were sent to the actor. luwamide wrote, “Happy Wedding Anniversary to my favourites people in whom I love dearly. May the Lord bless your new year and bless your home with all your heart desires. It shall be beautiful for your home. Love you guys @irolexfoods @jideawobona” fikemy wrote, “Congratulations my paddy and heart rob, God will continue to bless and uphold your home in Jesus Name” alhassansandra wrote, “Make I hold my congratulations b4 u go come tell us say na film.” oluremisan wrote, “Congratulations forever together” officialojmakanaki wrote, “God is good to u my beloved brother .. HWA.” Kemi Filani recalls that actor Jide Awobona appreciated his senior colleague, Funke Akindele, for her huge role in his career. Before the December 2024 release of Everybody Loves Jenifa in Cinemas, Funke hosted all the cast and crew to a dinner party. While at the dinner, Jide gave a heartfelt speech to Funke Akindele. He noted how his appearance on her hit Television series, Jenifa Diaries, paved the way for his career. He revealed that when he travelled to South Africa, he was surprised that people knew him because of his role in Jenifa Diaries. He noted how Funke didn’t need to bring back the cast of Jenifa Diaries for Everybody Loves Jenifa, but she did, which melted his heart. Gushing over Funke, Jide described her as a wonderful and phenomenal woman as he noted how God has blessed her and she has done a lot for people.