WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The NASD Over-the-Counter (OTC) Securities Exchange slumped by 0.57 per cent on Monday, December 16, trimming the benchmark index, the Unlisted Security Index (NSI), by 117.21 points to 3,014.95 points from the 3,092.16 points it ended last Friday. However, the market capitalisation of the alternative bourse went down by 2.74 per cent or N29.16 billion during the session to N1.033 trillion from the N1.062 trillion it closed in the previous trading day. Business Post reports that FrieslandCampina Wamco Nigeria Plc lost N2.75 yesterday to settle at N40.10 per share compared with the preceding session’s N42.85 per share and Afriland Properties Plc weakened by 10 Kobo to wrap the trading day at N16.20 per unit, in contrast to last Friday’s N16.30 per unit. A look at the activity chart showed that the volume of securities bought and sold by investors on the first trading session of the week went down by 92.6 per cent to 90,629 units from the 1.2 million units transacted at the last session. Also, the value of shares traded by the market participants on Monday declined by 6.7 per cent to N2.3 million from the N2.4 million quoted in the previous session, as the number of deals carried out closed flat at 18 deals. At the close of business, Geo-Fluids Plc retained its position as the most active stock by volume (year-to-date) with 1.7 billion units sold for N3.9 billion, followed by Okitipupa Plc with 752.2 million units valued at N7.8 billion, and Afriland Properties Plc with 297.6 million units worth N5.3 million. Aradel Holdings Plc also remained the most active stock by value (year-to-date) with 108.7 million units worth N89.2 billion, trailed by Okitipupa Plc with 752.2 million units valued at N7.8 billion, and Afriland Properties Plc with 297.6 million units sold for N5.3 billion.