WATCH THE VIDEO HERE FrieslandCampina Wamco Nigeria Plc brought down the NASD Over-the-Counter (OTC) Securities Exchange by 0.06 per cent on Wednesday, March 12. Business Post reports that the share price of FrieslandCampina Wamco Nigeria Plc slumped by N1.26 during the session to N37.45 per unit from the preceding day’s N38.71 per unit. However, Geo-Fluids Plc gained 27 Kobo to trade at N2.95 per share versus Tuesday’s closing price of N2.68 per unit, and First Trust Microfinance Bank Plc appreciated by 3 Kobo to close at 56 Kobo per share, in contrast to the previous day’s rate of 53 Kobo per share. When the platform ended trading activities yesterday, its value went down by N1.17 billion to settle at N1.955 trillion compared with the preceding day’s N1.956 trillion and the NASD Unlisted Security Index (NSI) decreased by 2.03 points to close at 3,385.50 points, in contrast to the previous trading day’s 3,387.53 points. The volume of securities traded at the bourse dropped by 36.3 per cent to 298,845 units from the 469,185 units published on Tuesday, the value of securities decreased by 4.8 per cent to N10.4 million from the N10.9 million quoted at the preceding session, and the number number of deals moderated by 34.2 per cent to 25 deals from 38 deals. At the close of business, Impresit Bakolori Plc was the most active stock by value (year-to-date) with 533.9 million units worth N520.9 million, followed by FrieslandCampina Wamco Nigeria Plc with 12.5 million units valued at N484.0 million, and Afriland Properties Plc with 17.2 million units sold for N352.8 million. Also, Impresit Bakolori Plc was the most active stock by volume (year-to-date) with 533.9 million units worth N520.9 million, trailed by Industrial and General Insurance (IGI) Plc with 69.9 million units sold for N23.7 million, and Afriland Properties Plc with 17.2 million units valued at N352.8 million.