WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress and filmmaker Funke Akindele has penned a heartfelt note to her colleagues and friends. Taking to her Instagram page, Funke shared clips from her Praise Fiesta, where some of her family, friends, and colleagues were speaking highly of her and her impact on them. In her caption, Funke appreciated them for the kind words as she prayed for God to keep blessing them. The box office Queen expressed gratitude to her Maker as she prayed that they all have reasons to be thankful. “Oh Lord, I am so grateful!!! Funke had started the New Year by celebrating herself. The box office Queen, via her Instagram page, shared a charming video of herself as she gushed over her beauty. She stated that she was fearfully and wonderfully made as she urged her fans to celebrate themselves and their achievements. A few days back, Funke had spoken amidst the drama trailing the release of her cinema blockbuster Everybody Loves Jenifa. Funke admonished her fans to ignore the naysayers as she specially thanked her fans for being supportive. She did not forget her colleagues, who turned up to ensure her fans had a lovely time. Funke had disagreed with a Twitter user who spoke out on her work ethic. The tweep revealed how she gets inspired by the award-winning filmmaker and stated that when she wants to rest, she remembers Funke is not resting and as such, continues her hustle. Disagreeing with her, Funke stated that she takes some time off to rest well. In other news, Funke had opened up on the hard times she experienced before rising to stardom. She shared a video of herself being active on the set of her highest-grossing billion-dollar movie, A Trībe Called Judah, as she counted herself as a testimony of believing in herself, saying she faced different challenges but learned to stand tall and encourage others because of them. During singer Dbanj’s anniversary dinner in June, Funke recounted how God used him to speak to her to keep her popular Jenifa brand. The award-winning actress revealed that the singer was the one who encouraged her to keep the Jenifa brand on fire and had supported her financially to carry out her next project.
God bless my friends, family, and colleagues for all the kind words and prayers!!
May we always have reasons to be thankful.