WATCH THE VIDEO HERE According to leaks, the Galaxy S25 series is just a couple of months away. Samsung’s new flagship phones are expected to arrive in January alongside One UI 7, the biggest update to the company’s Android custom skin in years. Insiders and tipsters have revealed some key details about the brand’s upcoming devices, such as the choice of the Snapdragon 8 Elite chip for all models. Now, a set of leaked cases show what the front of the Galaxy S25 lineup might look like. Accessory makers, especially cases, often receive schematic designs of upcoming devices so they can have their new products ready in advance. This is how the look of multiple new smartphones has been leaked in the industry. Today is the turn of the Galaxy S25 series, where a third-party case provider showed off its front design. The leaked cases match what has been leaked about the Galaxy S25 series. In other words, Samsung is likely to adopt a conservative design approach, resulting in models that closely resemble those of the current Galaxy S24s. Still, the phones will get some cosmetic changes to polish up their overall look. For example, Samsung will reduce the size of the bezels around the displays. Plus, the South Korean giant will slim down its next-gen smartphones to make them more comfortable in hand. Just like the Galaxy S24 series, the vanilla and Plus variants will sport a triple rear camera system. Meanwhile, the Ultra model will have four camera sensors. According to leaks, Samsung will upgrade two of the four lenses compared to the Galaxy S24 Ultra. On the other hand, the cameras on the cheaper variants will remain more or less the same. The leaked cases confirm another key difference between the Galaxy S25 Ultra and its more affordable siblings. The vanilla and Plus devices will have more rounded corners, while the Ultra will opt for a “boxier” form factor with sharper ones. There are no major changes in terms of physical buttons, unlike the iPhone 16 series. Samsung will keep the classic volume and power buttons, although we did not expect big changes in this segment either. Previously leaked renders revealed a notable aesthetic change to the rear cameras. Samsung will continue to distribute the sensors separately from each other, without a module or “dome.” However, a thick black ring will surround the lenses, giving them more prominence in the overall design.What the Samsung Galaxy S25 series looks like according to case manufacturer
Sharper corners for the Galaxy S25 Ultra