WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Samsung has been working on its VR headset for a while, which, according to a recent report from Business Insider, is expected to be released towards the end of 2024 or early 2025. A rumor suggests that Samsung will adopt some design elements and features from its VR headset for the Galaxy S25 series. The news comes from tipster Ice Universe. Samsung has been working with Qualcomm and Google for its VR headset. While the tipster claims some design elements and features will be common between the next Galaxy flagship and the company’s first VR headset, there’s no specific information about it at this point. According to SamMobile, it is possible that Samsung will offer a Gear VR kind of experience where the phone powers the headset. However, all the leaks we have come across so far hint that the company’s first VR headset will be a standalone device. It means the headset will have its own power source and processing hardware, like the Apple Vision Pro. Speaking of Apple’s offering, it is not only quite expensive but also somewhat failed to meet expectations. It will be interesting to see whether Samsung, Google, and Qualcomm can offer something more appealing to the market. A previous report claims that the Galaxy XR device will offer two 3500ppi OLEDoS displays manufactured by Samsung Display. The latest news suggests that the XR device will come with an external design that looks somewhat similar to the S25 series devices. It could also mean that the S25 series will finally make a shift from the design it has stuck with for the last couple of years. Rumors suggest that the Galaxy S25 series will finally have a different design compared to the Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S24 series. There have not been any renders or concept images of the Galaxy XR so far from a reliable source. Therefore it’s hard to imagine what the head-mounted device may look like. In addition to that, the rumor of Samsung making a shift in the design of its upcoming S series flagship lineup (that will reportedly have similarities with the XR device) makes it even harder to imagine how the headset might look.Galaxy S25 to adopt design elements and features from Samsung’s upcoming VR headset
It’s unclear how the Galaxy XR might look