Phone Specifications

Google rolls out Android 15 beta 1 update

Android 15 First Beta Update


Google has started rolling out the first Android 15 beta today. It comes after the Android 15 Developer Preview 2 released in March this year.

The update brings several improvements, including better performance, enhanced communication features, and improved support for large screens.

Here’s a rundown of what’s new in Android 15 beta 1 update:

1) Edge-to-edge display: Apps on Android 15 are now designed to fit large screens by default, eliminating the need for developers to explicitly enable this feature. Material 3 components will automatically adjust to fit the screen, providing a uniform look across all apps.

Edge to edge Android 15 Beta 1

2) Smoother NFC experiences: Android 15 enhances the tap-to-pay experience and supports multiple NFC-aware applications. Devices can now register fingerprints to improve reliability during NFC interactions.

3) Inter-character justification: Android 15 introduces inter-character justification for text, enhancing readability for languages like Chinese and Japanese.

Inter character justification Android 15 Beta 1

4) App archiving: Android 15 includes OS-level support for app archiving, allowing users to free up space by partially removing infrequently used apps from their devices.

5) App-managed profiling: The new ProfilingManager class enables developers to collect profiling information within their apps, simplifying performance analysis.

6) Better Braille support: Android 15 improves support for Braille displays using the HID standard over USB and Bluetooth.

7) Key management for end-to-end encryption: The E2eeContactKeysManager facilitates end-to-end encryption in Android apps, providing a centralized way to manage cryptographic keys.

8) Secured background activity launches: Android 15 restricts malicious background apps from bringing other apps to the foreground, enhancing user security.


For those interested in testing compatibility, Android 15 Beta 1 is available for early adopters and developers. The beta is available for the following devices:

  • Pixel 6 Series: Pixel 6, 6 Pro, and 6a
  • Pixel 7 Series: Pixel 7, 7 Pro, and 7a
  • Pixel 8 Series: Pixel 8 and 8 Pro
  • Pixel Fold
  • Pixel Tablet

Google encourages testing app compatibility with Android 15 beta and providing feedback through the Android Beta Feedback app.

If you’re already on the Android 14 Beta Program or Developer Preview 2, you’ll receive the Android 15 Beta 1 OTA update from today.

To join the Android Beta Program, users can sign up on the official website and opt-in for updates.