WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Her comments came in the wake of a viral video showing a teacher violently assaulting a three-year-old pupil in Lagos. The video, which surfaced on social media, showed a teacher, Stella Nwadigo, of Christ Mitots School in Ikorodu, Lagos, smacking a young pupil, Abayomi Michael, during a numeracy lesson. The footage sparked widespread condemnation, prompting the teacher’s arrest on Wednesday. In a statement, the school’s management condemned the teacher’s actions, describing them as “unacceptable.” The institution assured the public that Nwadigo would remain suspended pending the outcome of an ongoing investigation. In response to the incident, Mrs. El-Rufai took to X (formerly Twitter) to share her own struggles as a student, encouraging parents to remain patient with their children. To illustrate her point, she posted a 1964 report card from the Provincial Girls’ School in Kano, which revealed that she had once scored just five out of 50 in a subject. “I didn’t start out as a good student. Don’t give up on your kids,” she wrote on Wednesday, offering hope to parents whose children may be struggling academically.
Hadiza El-Rufai, wife of former Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El-Rufai, has called on parents and guardians not to give up on their children, even if they struggle academically.
El-Rufai’s Personal Experience