WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress and award-winning filmmaker Funke Akindele has replied to a fan who inquired about her sexual life. The movie maker, who has been heavily promoting her cinema movies from one country to another, had via her Instagram page shared new photos of herself via. Taking to her comment section, a fan questioned if the mother of two has time for sex. She gave to the filmmaker for her hard work as she urged her to create time for sex and massage. “Mama hope u dey get time collect preek? U are trying with the hard work. Create time to collect preek and massage. I love you and all you do”. Replying to her, Funke wrote, “Ha!!! Madamu”. See some reactions below, One Hrmadam wrote, “Funke shouldn’t have entertained it One Kira Beauty Store1 wrote, “That’s a very silly thing to say to anyone One Ife_dunke wrote, “It was well interviewed just that the delivery could have been better One Thebodyconstore wrote, “Audacity on this street, ehn One D__realbbg wrote, “Some people can ask any type of question from anybody”. A year back, Funke replied a Twitter user who advised her to get remarried. The tweep had urged her to get remarried in 2024, pointing out how the filmmaker is getting old, and Funke responded by appreciating him for the advice, noting how he was the wedding planner. Funke Akindele has been married twice; first to Adeola Oloyede and JJC Skillz. In 2022, JJC shocked the world when he announced the end of his 7-year-old union to the actress, as he admitted that the marriage had been having issues, and revealed that the actress asked him to leave her house, and refused any form of amicable communication with him. Speaking on their separation, Funke in an interview with revealed that their vision and dreams of what their marriage should look like no longer aligned, and all efforts to make it work fell on de@f ears, hence, their decision to split. Akindele was also married to Adeola Kehinde Oloyede in 2013, but they divorced in May 2016, citing irreconcilable differences. Speaking on it, Funke hinted at being pressured into marriage as she admonished young women against rushing into marriage because of pressure. She noted how her first marriage ended in a very bad way, and it was all over social media, which led her to lose several endorsement deals and broke her down.