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How Jared Padalecki Changed From A Gilmore Girls Kid To Walker Season 4's Father – Exclusive Interview

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Speaking of “Supernatural,” you’ve had some really big roles in your career, like Sam, and Dean on “Gilmore Girls,” obviously.

OG Dean! I like to say OG Dean because Jensen was Dean on “Supernatural,” but I’d already been Dean on “Gilmore Girls” for five years. So I like to try and kind of wink and nod. 

What does it mean to have those fans that started with you on “Gilmore Girls” also embracing this newer character of Walker?

I can’t put into words how grateful I am that people have enjoyed the work I do. And funny enough, even though it’s scripted television, I feel like my work and career have been kind of like a journal. On “Gilmore Girls,” I did the pilot when I was 17 years old and I was a kid fresh out of San Antonio, Texas, where the only apartment I could afford, the door didn’t lock. It was in the parking lot of a liquor store. And then I grew up a little bit. And then at 22, I started “Supernatural” and I was still essentially a kid. But during “Supernatural,” I became more of a man and an adult and a husband and then a father. And now on “Walker,” I’m a father. And so it’s really life imitates art. 

And so the idea that people have taken the time to listen to me, I feel listened to. Which is ironic because I’m playing characters. This isn’t a documentary by any means. But I’m flattered and I hope they all understand that I would not be here able to tell stories if it weren’t for them, period. 

Is there anything that you want the fans to know before they watch the “Walker” Season 4 premiere?

Yeah, we have a shortened season. We have 13 episodes. Jensen and I used to joke when we were doing a 23-episode season of “Supernatural,” you’re not going to win them all. If you go up to bat 23 times, you’re not going to hit home runs every time. If you shoot 23 three-pointers, you’re not going to make them all. But with 13 episodes, each one is wham, bam, don’t miss, don’t blink, don’t walk away. We’re bringing a lot of awesome, incredible, high-stakes stuff the audience’s way, and I can’t wait to watch alongside them. 

“Walker” Season 4 premieres on Wednesday, April 3, at 8 p.m. EST on The CW. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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