WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The Hydrocarbon Pollution Remediation Project (HYPREP) and the Belgian government have reaffirmed their commitment to the Ogoni cleanup as well as tackling environmental and socio-economic challenges in the region. This commitment was reiterated during a visit by the Belgian Ambassador to Nigeria, Pieter Leenknegt, a renowned mangrove expert, Prof. Olof Linden to HYPREP’s Project Coordinator, Prof. Nenibarini Zabbey The visit aimed at assessing the cleanup progress and exploring areas for additional support as reported by the News Agency of Nigeria. Leenknegt accompanied by the First Secretary to the Belgian Ambassador, Dorien Laewnen, commended HYPREP’s efforts in environmental restoration and livelihood of improvement in the Niger Delta, describing the initiative as a modern approach to biodiversity conservation and community empowerment. Linden, along with Mike Cowing from ...-UNEP team, also visited Bomu, Gokana Local Government Area to inspect HYREP’s mangrove restoration site. The United Nations (UN) has also pledged support for HYPREP in key areas as reported by the News Agency of Nigeria. He reaffirmed HYPREP’s commitment to sustainable development and key SDGs. The delegation received a briefing on project progress, key milestones, and HYPREP’s mangrove restoration manuals, along with other project documents. Representatives from the FAO, WHO, and UNDP, as well as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, were present during the visit to HYPREP’s office in Port Harcourt.