WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress Debbie Shokoya has revealed her resolution and vision for 2025. In a post on her Instagram page, she revealed that since she gave birth, her beauty choke. She stated that she is going into 2025 with peace and a positive vibe, and anybody who brings drama or jumps like a frog is avoiding them like a plague. The new mum noted how she didn’t go through all those past challenges to start stressing herself because of what others think or choose to assume of her in their head. She made it known that if anyone oozes negatively, she will clear them. The Yoruba actress added that her vision for 2025 is taking all the blessings that God has prepared for her without doing too much. “Since I Born, The Beauty Choke!! Year 2025, I Am Going Into It With a Peaceful And Positive Vibe. Vision 2025 Is “TAKING ALL THAT BLESSINGS THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR ME, WITHOUT DOING TOO MUCH!”. This year has undoubtedly being a blessed one for Debbie, who became a first time mum. Kemi Filani reported in August, that the couple welcomed a baby girl, a year after losing her pregnancy. Debbie opened up on her pregnancy journey, revealing how the devil tried using her trauma against her on her journey but God was standing by her. She recalled how the result said she had high prolactin, but God turned it to pregnancy. Recall that in 2023, Debbie in an emotional video, tearfully recounted how she lost her pregnancy at eight months. She noted how she sacrificed and went through a lot for her unborn child and even bonded with her child so well before the loss. In other news, a week back, Deborah had revealed plans to join her gangs of colleagues using their partners and family members as content creators online. Sending a message to her husband, she told him to start wearing a skirt so they can start creating content online. It wouldn’t be surprising if Debbie uses her husband for content creation as in February, she revealed that her husband is her slave driver. Calling him her better half. She stated that getting married to someone who believes in her dreams and vision was such a blessing, as she revealed that when she tells her husband she wants to fly, and he always encourages her rather than being selfish.
Sey I Lie??
Anybody Wey Wan Do Drama Or Dey Jump Like Frog, I Avoid Am Like Plague!!
Because I Didn’t Go Through All Those Past Challenges To Come And Start Stressing Myself Because Of What Others Think Or Choose To Assume Of Me In Their Head!!
Abeg. If You Ooze Negativity, CLEAR