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Ireland launches postgraduate scholarship for global researchers with €31,000 annual support, others. 


Ireland has announced the launch of its Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme, offering up to €31,000 annually in financial support to researchers from around the world.

The scholarship is managed by the newly established Taighde Éireann/Research Ireland and funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation, and Science.

The program aims to attract world-class researchers and foster cutting-edge research in Ireland.

...graduate Scholarship Programme is a competitive initiative supporting innovative research across various disciplines, including arts, humanities, social sciences, science, engineering, business, law, and technology.

The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship provides a comprehensive financial package, valued at up to €31,000 per year, which includes:

A stipend of €22,000 per annum to cover living expenses

A contribution to tuition fees, including non-EU fees, up to €5,750 per annum

Direct research expenses of €3,250 per annum for travel, equipment, and materials

To be eligible, candidates must hold or expect to hold a first-class or upper-second-class honors degree or its equivalent. Those awaiting their undergraduate results may receive provisional offers contingent upon meeting the required academic standards.

Applicants must submit a research proposal that demonstrates originality and potential to advance knowledge within their chosen field.

The scholarship covers a wide range of disciplines, including arts, humanities, social sciences, science, engineering, business, law, and technology.

Additionally, candidates must be affiliated with an eligible Higher Education Institution (HEI) or Research Performing Organization (RPO) in Ireland.

Applicants are advised to submit their forms by 10 October 2024, while mentors and supervisors have until 17 October 2024 to complete their submissions.

Research offices are required to endorse applications by 24 October 2024.

The outcomes of the selection process will be announced at the end of April 2025, and the successful awardees will commence their research on 1 September 2025.

To apply for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship, candidates must follow a structured process

To apply for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship, candidates must follow a structured process

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