WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress Tawa Ajisefinni has shared an adorable video of her four-month-old son meeting his grandparents. The actress, who resides overseas, is currently in Nigeria, and she has shared a video via her Instagram page of her son meeting his grandparents just a few hours after they arrived in the country. “So, @abdulqayyum_alli met with his grandparents (ALLI) just a few hours after we arrived in Nigeria. One Far lifted Shaby wrote It’s the prostration for me One Ayo Dollar wrote, “Madam meet us in court for stressing our baby One Bibi Tayoluli wrote, “Aunty Tawa don dey tell Quyum to prostrate already One Ayeesha Abdulazeez wrote, “He is so calm One Durafoodexport wrote, “Ahhh”? A week back, Tawa had celebrated her first Christmas as a mother. The Yoruba actress shared photos of her, her husband, and their newborn son to celebrate the festive season, as she stated that the pictures are a dream come true for her and expressed gratitude to her Maker. It is no longer news that after years of being married, Tawa Ajisefinni and her husband welcomed their first child. Tawa had appreciated her Maker for her storms as she noted how she needed the rain for her faith to grow. In another post, she reflected on her pregnancy journey and how heartburn almost killed her. According to her, she was able to humble her pregnancy until a month before her delivery. In other news, in an interview with her colleague, Tawa shared her ordeal before motherhood. She recounted how she was constantly trolled by many and noted how they taunted her and called her names, like barren woman, which brought tears to her eyes. In November, Tawa marked her son’s 3rd month on earth. She shared photos of the newborn as she vowed never to stop thanking Allah for everything He has done for her. The mother of one went on to rain powerful prayers on her son as she appreciated him for choosing her and affirmed her love for him.
Chai. Grandma omugo yaaaaa. A tide siyin lorun.
Meanwhile, his pacifier was thoroughly cleaned after this video”.