WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress and popular Gbogbo Big Girls, Eniola Badmus, has shared her weight loss journey with her fans. Eniola Badmus took to her official and verified Instagram page to share an old photo of herself cropped alongside a recent one. She shared the image to reflect on her struggles, pains and strength during her weight loss journey. The talented burst actress stated that she still doubts the results of her weight loss. She spoke about the physical, emotional and mental tests that taunted her determination. Eniola Badmus stated that her journey is a testament to perseverance and determination to bring out the best. “I’m still in doubt……….The journey of weight loss is one of immense courage, dedication, and resilience. It’s a path filled with struggles….physical, emotional, and mental that test the limits of one’s determination. Every step, from overcoming self-doubt to staying consistent in the face of challenges, reflects incredible strength. It’s not just about shedding weight but also about gaining confidence, discipline, and a renewed sense of self. This journey is a testament to perseverance and serves as a powerful reminder that every effort, no matter how small, brings you closer to becoming the best version of yourself.” Some time ago, Eniola Badmus opened up on her epic body transformation journey. Eniola Badmus’ sudden transformation had shocked many, even when they all tried to cover it up with lovely commendations. Her body transformation was one of the biggest topics on the internet because she took social media by storm with the shocking change. Eniola Badmus shared a photo of her old body compared to her new body. The photo got many talking on her timeline as they tried to match how her shocking decision wowed them. She disclosed that her epic transformation was not as easy as many portray it to be, stating her eyes had seen.