WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The Guardian reliably gathered that Magaji was taken into custody on Friday at his office by the detectives, who provided no explanation for their mission or the reason for his arrest. Sources within the Anti-Corruption Commission who spoke with the platform revealed that the officers stormed the commission’s premises and insisted on arresting the chairman without disclosing their motive. One source speculated that the arrest might be linked to the ongoing investigation into the alleged diversion of ₦4 billion and properties of the Kano Agricultural Supply Company Limited (KASCO) during the immediate past administration. Two weeks earlier, the commission reported an attempted takeover of assets worth over ₦2 billion, including trailers, trucks, minivans, and other items linked to the former Managing Director of KASCO. Magaji was taken to the One Police Headquarters in Kano, where sources claim he was denied access to his legal representatives. As of press time, no official statement has been issued by the police or the Kano State government regarding the arrest.
The Chairman of the Kano State Public Complaints and Anti-Corruption Commission, Muhuyi Magaji, has been arrested by a team of police detectives reportedly dispatched from the office of the Inspector General of Police.