WATCH THE VIDEO HERE With the launch of the ThinkBook Plus Gen5 Hybrid, Lenovo has offered a capable combination of a Windows laptop and an Android tablet. Additionally, the Chinese tech giant has managed to cram capable, flagship-grade chipsets for both operating systems. Lenovo has commercially launched the ThinkBook Plus Gen5 Hybrid. As the name suggests, it is a hybrid device. And no, it is not a dual-boot Windows laptop that also runs Android OS. As demoed at this year’s CES, the new two-in-one, multi-form-factor device is a Windows and Android-based portable computer. Specifically speaking, Lenovo is offering a high-end Android tablet, which transforms into a Windows laptop when users connect an external keyboard. It is important to note that the display portion of the ThinkBook Plus Gen5 Hybrid functions independently as an Android tablet. Meanwhile, the keyboard houses a completely different computer, which has an Intel CPU. Lenovo has launched the ThinkBook Gen 5 Hybrid in China, a mix of laptop and tablet offering both Android in the screen and Windows 11 in the base. It’s like a Surface Book on steroids. #Lenovo #ThinkBookHybrid #TechNews — X tech news (@x_newstech) August 5, 2024 With the ThinkBook Plus Gen5 Hybrid launch, Lenovo has reportedly confirmed that users can run both systems simultaneously side by side on a single screen. Needless to say, the portable workstation would consume a lot of battery in such a scenario. This is because the ThinkBook would need to run two completely independent operating systems and hardware platforms. Lenovo has launched the ThinkBook Plus Gen5 Hybrid in China. It currently retails at RMB 15,999, which roughly translates to $2200 The ThinkBook Plus Gen5 Hybrid is essentially two separate computers rolled into one. While the top half can function independently, the bottom half, which houses an Intel CPU-based PC, needs the display to work. The large-screen Android tablet features a 14-inch 2.8K OLED display. A slightly older but powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC powers the device. The Qualcomm chipset works with 12GB of LPDDRX5 RAM. The tablet gets a dedicated 256GB of UFS 3.1 internal storage. Coming to the lower half of the ThinkBook Plus Gen5 Hybrid, Lenovo has managed to cram an entire PC inside a sleek keyboard. The “Windows part” includes a keyboard and a touchpad on the outside. Lenovo launches Windows/Android hybrid tablet combining Intel Meteor Lake and Qualcomm Snapdragon processors.The lenovo thinkbook plus gen 5 will cost about 2200 dollars. — Edwin Nganyi (@EdwinNgany) August 5, 2024 On the inside, the keyboard chassis houses a Meteor Lake Intel Core Ultra 7 155H CPU, which packs 16 Cores. It works with 32GB of LPDDR5X-7467 RAM. The PC has a dedicated 1TB of M.2 2280 SSD mounted in a PCIe 4.0×4 slot. Both the computers reportedly share a special 10GB storage. Additionally, the Android tablet has a camera module that the Windows PC can access. The hybrid laptop has a collective battery capacity of 113Whr. While the tablet packs a 38Wh battery, the laptop portion includes a much larger 75Wh battery. It is important to note that the Thinkbook Plus Gen5 Hybrid commercial launch has taken place in China. Lenovo hasn’t confirmed the hybrid workstation’s availability in other regions. However, some reports suggest the company could gradually introduce the new dual OS workstation in the US and EU in the next few months.ThinkBook Plus Gen5 Hybrid launch price in China confirmed
Specifications and features of the Windows + Android hybrid workstation